




Dare to Dream

Asitu’lisk has been part of an historic land-back initiative for the Indigenous peoples of Atlantic Canada. To honour this beautiful transition, the Ulnooweg Education Centre envisions big, bold, beautiful improvements for the infrastructure and capacity of the space, and as such we have commissioned concept sketches of just some of what we envision for this ancient, living landscape.

Please join us in dreaming!

Performance Arts Centre

a’tukwaqan - story, tale

We envision a black box theatre – an intimate performance space supplied with a portable stage, curtains and screens, removable seating, and lighting and catwalk, with ample space for equipment storage. Local theatre groups and performers will be able to stage performances of many kinds while the audience looks on from the shelter of the barn or out under the stars.

The existing barn structure

The Sweat Lodge

Msit No’kmaq - all my relations

Emerge from our traditional sweat lodge feeling clean, clear, and relaxed. Located near the water, the natural scenery and pristine forest surroundings will help you stay focused as you convene in the lodge alone for individual meditation, or with family and friends for a communal experience. We’ll provide a safe, sacred place for you to commune with the ancestors alongside all four elements.

The lake
Sketch of a traditional sweat lodge on the edge of the lake

The Hemlock Grove

ksu’skw - hemlock

Hemlocks are our oldest living tree, sequestering lots of carbon, stabilizing waterways, and wintering deer and birds – and our ancient hemlocks will enchant you. The calm of the grove is a perfect place to meditate, have medicinal workshops, listen to storytelling, learn about the land, or sit and write or draw. We envision a GPS mapping of the trails along with viewfinders to help kids learn about leaves, bugs, and the habitat.

Learn More About Our Hemlocks

The hemlock grove
Sketch of the hemlock grove

The Amphitheatre

mawiejik - gather together, congregate

In the High Meadow Field we foresee a highly adaptable amphitheatre to host bigger plays, concerts, and events. Participants will head past Mother Maple and emerge into the High Meadow’s natural hollow. Our design includes fully portable and removable construction with very little footprint, stored away when not in use to leave the land safe. Our people can gather for events with the natural landscape as a backdrop.

The existing high meadow
Sketch of how the amphitheatre could fit into the high meadow

The Woodshop

eliatl - make, build

The main conference space on the land was constructed with wood from the surrounding forest, and the interiors were crafted in the wood shop. We plan to make the woodshop a place for folks to come and learn with their hands during workshops such as canoe building, basket making, and more. Above the shop with the clean smell of sawdust you’ll soon find a boardroom or meeting place.

The existing woodshop
Sketch of canoe building inside the woodshop